It reminded me of a lot of pups I came across when I was doing rescue work.
And why do I ever want to bring it up and talk about it?
So If your dog ever get it one day, you will remember that there is nothing to be worry about, so DON'T GIVE UP YOUR DOGS like most did.
SOOO, what is Mange?
It is just a skin disease caused by parasitic mites, look horrible, but, it is easily treatable. Please continue reading,,, I would like to tell you more. I try not to bore you.. will try to make it as short as possible.
Those monsters mites dig into and through the skin, causing intense itching and crusting thus slowly turns your cute pets looking like monsters. Hair loss and crusting frequently appear first on elbows and ears. Secondary skin infection is also common. They will be so irritated that they scratches themselves every single minute they have. Can you imagine the itch?
And of course, you need to take them to the vet for treatment. You can try curing yourself for a mild one..I mean not a serious case although it better it is always better to go to the vet. It will cost you a pinch of salt for the vet fees so not to worry much.
Here is example of how it would look like:
Mange (The monster)! Of course you cant see it through your naked eyes. Only can be seen through microscope.

Mange looking ears

Mangy looking elbow

Puppy with Mange

Dog with Mange

Cat with Mange

Rabbit with Mange

After looking at the pictures I feel the itch everywhere on me starting from my head to my toes.
Alright, This disease is highly contagious to other animals while normally they do not favor human as they couldn't survive on our smelly skin.
Remember to wear a glove when handling untreated pups. It is essential (a must) to isolate these pups from other healthy pups around your home. Just to let you know some pure breed are more susceptible to mange than others
What is next..
Normally if your dog has got mange, try scratching the edge of his ears, most likely he would take up his hind leg and start scratching it too.
At your veterinary, he would take a little scrap of the infected skin and look through his microscope to hunt down the culprit. If there are mites appearing under his scope, the vet would likely give your dog a jab to kill the mange and some medication to help speed up the healing process and antibiotic for infection. And he would likely ask you to go for visit around 2nd weeks later for another jab. If I did not remember wrongly, there were 3 jabs together for severe case. At that time, it just cost at RM30 for the jab. I am not so sure of the current price. Do check it out with your vet.
You can see relief on your dog after like few days to a week on treatment. Good Luck!
p/s: For mild cases, you can try putting "FRONTLINE COMBO" or Revolution not normal frontline though. Always remember to use the correct sizing for your dog to avoid intoxication. Cheers!
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